Thursday, January 28, 2016

50 Ways to Load Your Luggage

  1. Stare at the pile of clothes that has slowly turned into a mountain in your room
  2. Text all your friends at once to see what they are up too
  3. Go on Facebook
  4. End up in your cousin's bridesmaid's sister's "Wedding 2011" album
  5. Switch to Instagram
  6. Look at pictures of "nice cream" and yogurt bowls
  7. Wonder why these are so popular
  8. Consider making your own to post and get thousands of likes
  9. Open up your suitcase
  10. Coax your pet into the suitcase
  11. Snapchat a picture of your pet in the suitcase with the caption "Packing Done!" Or "He wants to come too!"
  12. Look around your room and try to decide what you need
  13. Consult at least 6 websites on what the climate is like in your travel destination
  14. Search the weather for the next week at your travel destination
  15. End up somehow looking at the rain patterns of western Ohio
  16. Start folding and rolling some clothes and putting them in your suitcase
  17. Spend 20 minutes trying to decide between two similar pairs of shoes
  18. End up putting them both in
  19. Try to be organized and plan outfits
  20. Come to the realization that strategy never works for you and pack five shirts for every pair of pants, skirt, shorts etc.
  21. Get a snack
  22. Or two
  23. Or make some brownies because you feel they are necessary
  24. Try to figure out a way to pack underwear neatly
  25. (Hint: there is no way)
  26. Snapchat a picture of your suitcase half full and send it to your friends with the scared face emoji
  27. Watch everyone's Snapchat story plus 6-8 of the "Discover" stories
  28. See this as the perfect time to practice your instrument of choice
  29. Realize this isn't the time after you figure out you can't play your song of choice
  30. Pack more clothes!
  31. "Accidentally" put on your party playlist
  32. Dance around for a half hour while pretending you are Beyoncé
  33. Put the last of your clothes into your suitcase
  34. See that it is overflowing
  35. Ignore that it is overflowing
  36. Try to zip it up
  37. When it doesn't zip up, sit on it
  38. Try to zip it up again
  39. Open your suitcase up and question why it won't zip
  40. Roll clothes even tighter and try to squish them down more
  41. Get rid of two out of the ten pairs of shoes you packed
  42. Sit on suitcase again
  43. Zip it halfway
  44. Adjust weight to the other side
  45. Zip it 3/4 of the way
  46. Try to push clothes into the middle of the suitcase, away from the zipper gap
  47. Pull zipper as hard as you can and finish zipping
  48. Lock your suitcase
  49. Test your lock combination 434219 times to make sure you can get back into your suitcase
  50. Relax because you are done.

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